Castleview School


The Kedermister Education Trust (KET) is an Umbrella Trust made up of three local academies, Langley Grammar Secondary School, Ryvers Primary School and Castleview Primary School, who have made a joint commitment to work together to enhance the learning experiences for all our pupils. 



A key aim for all primary schools is the development of pupils for the future.  Moving from Year 6 to Year 7 at secondary school is a daunting time for all Year 6 children, so managing this transition is a priority for each of the KET member schools, as many of the Year 6 children at both Castleview and Ryvers feed into Langley Grammar School.  So far, the three schools have worked together to facilitate a range of opportunities whereby the children can begin to experience and become more familiar with what life at secondary school might entail.  As well as providing the children with such opportunities, such collaborative work has also enabled Langley Grammar staff to ascertain what the children have been doing in Year 6 and to see their range of capabilities, so that secondary lessons are pitched better to children’s needs.


There have so far been some exciting collaborations through a variety of music, sporting, science and English/drama events, all of which have been very successful, benefiting both pupils and teachers.  Some of the things we have worked on together are:


Raising Aspirations

  • A talk for parents and children in Years 5 & 6 about university life (with an emphasis on Oxbridge)


Liaison between the English lead teachers leading to

  • Subject content discussion
  • Lesson observations
  • A ‘Shakespeare Whoosh’ event at Langley Grammar for Year 6
  • KS1 & 2 writing moderation meetings
  • Year 10 LGS students supporting children with reading on a weekly basis
  • Writing opportunities for Year 5 talented writers in response to presentations from LGS students.



  • A day of ‘Harry Potter’ science activities for Year 5 pupils – a fun ‘whodunit?’ crime scene investigation.


The Headteachers have worked closely together to understand the key priorities and challenges of each school and where, and how, they can best support each other.


The KET is being developed all the time with many new and innovative ways of working together.