Castleview School




Welcome to our Reception Home Learning Page!



This week the children have made their own planet.  They have been learning about the story 'Aliens love Underpants'.  They have designed their own underpants and been discussing the story.  In mathematics we have been using our balance scales to weigh items which are heavier, lighter and the same weight.


I have sent reactivation e-mails to parents who have not yet been able to access Tapestry so please click on the link provided to access your child's account. 

If you have any problems accessing Tapestry please let your child's class teacher know, it is always good to be prepared with a copy of your preferred e-mail address for your class teacher to relink the account with your e-mail address.


Homework - Friday 7th February 2025

The aim of this weeks homework is to practise cutting and sticking- so you can create a collage, cut out and stick some pictures of your favourite toys, cut out shapes and stick them to create a picture or create a picture of your favourite character.  Be as creative as you like as long as you are practising your cutting and sticking skills.



Please recap and practise these sounds. Once your child is confident with the SET 1 sounds begin practising and recapping the SET 2 sounds.

SET 1 

Reading m                                                               Writing m

Reading a                                                                 Writing a

Reading s                                                                 Writing s

Reading d                                                                Writing d

Reading t                                                                 Writing t

Reading i                                                                 Writing i

Reading n                                                                Writing n

Reading p                                                                Writing p

Reading g                                                                 Writing g

Reading o                                                                 Writing o

Reading c                                                                 Writing c

Reading k                                                                 Writing k

Reading u                                                                 Writing u

Reading b                                                                 Writing b

Reading f                                                                  Writing f

Reading e                                                                 Writing e

Reading l                                                                  Writing l

Reading h                                                                 Writing h

Reading sh 

Reading r                                                                  Writing r     

Reading j                                                                   Writing j       

Reading v                                                                  Writing v

Reading y                                                                   Writing y 

Reading w                                                                 Writing w

Reading th                                                                 

Reading z                                                                   Writing z

Reading ch     

Reading qu   

Reading x                                                                  Writing x

Reading ng

Reading nk                                                       


Reading ay

Reading ee

Reading igh

Reading ow

Reading oo (long)

Reading oo (short)

Reading ar

Reading or

Reading air

Reading ir

Reading ou

Reading oy

Reading ay

Reading ee

Reading igh

Reading ow



Please do not bring in toys from home as they are likely to be lost or damaged.



Your child has a reading book and a library book.  The reading book is for your child to read and discuss with you and the library book is for an adult to read and discuss together.  Please make sure your child's book and bag is at school every day so we can change them gradually through out the week.  If the book bag is not at school we can not change the book.   Please sign the yellow reading diary so we know you have read with your child at home and we can change their book, if it has not been signed we will not change the book. On a Friday afternoon the children will change their library book.   


PE days

PLUTO class : Thursday                                                                                            

VENUS class: Thursday

Children are to come dressed in their PE kits on these days. Please only wear lace up trainers if you can do them up by yourself.

Please ensure your child brings in their water bottle and book bag every day and that they are clearly and permanently labelled with your child's name. 

Please ensure all items of clothing and packed lunches are clearly and permanently labelled with your child's name.