Castleview School



School Admission Policy

Admissions to Castleview School and Nursery have one intake per year in September.

Castleview School is a popular, oversubscribed school and children living outside the school’s designated ‘catchment’ area are unlikely to be offered places at the school.

From 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024 in-year admissions will be dealt with by the admissions team at Slough Borough Council, their contact number is 01753 475111.  In accordance with the Admissions Code applications for a school place at Castleview School must be renewed each academic year through Slough Borough Council.


Castleview offers a part time, morning or afternoon provision. Children are eligible for admission to the Nursery Class in the September following their third birthday. Applications must be submitted to the school on a nursery application form by the Friday prior to February half term of the year in which your child will be admitted to nursery in the following September. Pupils are admitted to nursery without reference to aptitude or ability. Open days are arranged each term to allow you an opportunity to visit the school and nursery.

Admission to nursery does not guarantee a place in Castleview School.


Children are eligible for admission to the Reception class in the September after their fourth birthday. Applications should be made via a Common Application Form (CAF) available from Slough Local Authority or click here to download a copy from their website. Pupils are admitted to school without reference to aptitude or ability. The LA are responsible for admission arrangements. However Castleview School allocate the places in accordance with the school's admissions policy. Open days are arranged each term to allow you an opportunity to visit the school and nursery.

Primary (Years 1 to 6)

All admissions to Primary Schools in Slough are co-ordinated by Slough Local Authority. Click here for more information and applying for a school place online.


Admission Arrangements through your local authority


Catchment link



School Admissions Policy 2023-2024