Digital Leaders 2024-2025
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We are Castleview School's Digital Leaders.
Our ideas and hard work help influence the entire school! Some of our roles and responsibilities can be seen below:
Programming Robots
Leading School Assemblies
Delivering Meetings to the Staff
Taking the lead with any technology
Joining the Online Safety Committee
Helping classes in Computing lessons
Attending Workshops at Langley Grammar
Click here for a full list.
This year's highlights so far!
Trip to the Bett show at ExCel London 24/01/25

Friday 17th January - Internet Matters Visit
Castleview welcomed industry visitors from Internet Matters. This provided a fantastic opportunity to showcase our exemplary Online Safety teaching at Castleview, which was filmed by the Internet Matters team. Following this, Digital Leaders from Year 5 and 6 were interviewed about their Online habits. Their responses and insights were amazing, even under the pressure of being filmed. Not to be left out, Mr Rowe, Mr Macgill, Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Harris were also interviewed about their opinions of Online Safety and the contributions they make to keeping children safe at Castleview and in the ever-evolving online world.
During the afternoon, Sheena, from Internet Matters, delivered an Online Safety assembly to the school. There was an extremely exciting conclusion to the assembly! Dan, a representative from Tesco Mobile, presented Mrs Harris with 30 Samsung A9 tablets, which she had won for the school in an Internet Matters competition! THANKYOU so much Internet Matters and Tesco Mobile for this extremely generous prize.
Leading Activities 28/11/2023
Tuesday 26th of November was #Be Internet Legends Day 2024 the Digital Leaders led a variety of online safety activities around the school, many of which they had created themselves at home.
Making Posters 11/11/2023
The Digital Leaders were kept busy making promotional material for #Be Internet Legends day 2024. They used the skills from their Computing lessons on Microsoft PowerPoint to create colourful posters that were displayed around the school.
Helping Reception Children 15/11/2024
The Digital Leaders are always hard at work, helping Reception classes during their Computing lessons on Fridays. Well done Digital Leaders!
Roles and Responsibilities Presentation to the Whole School 15/11/2024 During our Celebration Assembly, the Digital Leaders made a presentation on their roles and responsibilities. Highlighting the work they do around the school, including representing Castleview when meeting tech visitors and going on Computing trips. To celebrate their achievements, Mr Rowe presented the team with their official Digital Leader badges.
Ryvers' Digital Leaders invited to join the Internet Legends Assembly at Castleview 08/11/2024
The Ryvers' Digital Leaders were invited to join Castleview Digital Leaders for the Internet Legends Assembly. It gave Castleview Digital Leaders an opportunity to mingle with their peers at Ryvers.
Digital Leader Trip to Langley Grammar 24/10/2024
The Digital Leaders visited Langley Grammar School’s Digital School House to attend a Sphero workshop run by Computing Lead, Stacey Jenkins. The children worked their way through a series of coding challenges with increasing complexity. Some tasks required considerable perseverance to succeed. The morning culminated with a ‘Target Bowling’ game, to see who could score a bullseye! Everyone had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A huge thankyou to Mrs Jenkins for delivering such an amazing workshop.
2023-2024 Highlights
Alan Mackenzie Workshop 07/06/2024
On the day of the visit, the Year 6 Digital Leaders from Ryvers joined our Year 6s and had the pleasure of meeting Alan and were taught the importance of how to be safe online. In the afternoon, our Digital Leader team kicked off the parent talk with an introductory presentation about their online lives, giving a snap-shot into the games, activities and influencers they follow.
Alan Mackenzie Workshop - Distribution of leaflets 06/06/2024
The day before the arrival of Alan Mackenzie, the digital leader team went to the gate to distribute leaflets to persuade as many parents to attend his talk.To advertise Alan's visit, the Digital Leaders made posters, which were displayed around school and made into leaflets. Here are some examples:-
Ryvers Digital Leaders visit Castleview 17/04/2024
On Wednesday, we welcomed the Ryvers' Digital Leaders to Castleview. The focus of the visit was to launch the BBC micro:bit to both schools Digital Leaders and test out the new micro:bit kits that had been delivered to primary schools this year. The children had great fun collaborating on a range of coding challenges. They downloaded their projects onto their micro:bit mini computer, to control the LED's, sound and light sensors.
Trip to the Digital School House at Langley Grammar 21/03/2024
On Thursday morning, the Digital Leaders travelled to the Digital School House at Langley Grammar for a coding workshop. We learnt to programme a Crumble controller. First, we had to set up all the equipment by attaching crocodile clips to the battery pack, the Crumble controller, the sparkles and the buzzer. We then learnt to code the sparkles to flash and sound the buzzers. Finally, we used our technology skills to create a design for our sparkles and buzzers. We would like thank Stacey Jenkins for fantastic opportunity. Didn’t our final projects look amazing?
Conducting Assemblies and Activities 06/02/2024
All of the Digital Leaders led an amazing assembly to launch Safer Internet Day. They had done lots of preparation in advance and were very professional in the way they conducted the assembly! Ayesha led an amazing 'Mini Quiz' for her class about internet safety. Year 5's Norah and Rubaba led a class in their own year group and Year 2 discussing what Safer Internet Day is about. Year 4's Shubhdeep led a Kahoot quiz for his year group, while Sanvitha and Prina created a wordsearch. Year 3's Simran and Yixiu led a class reading for Year 1 and then demonstrated how to complete an activity. All in all a very productive day!
Trip to the Bett show at ExCel London 26/01/24
What a fantastic day at #Bett2024 one of the biggest Ed Tech events in the country. The Year 6 Digital Leaders had an amazing time discovering all things tech! They took part in some exciting activities at the Kahoot and Esports stands.
They visited our Langley neighbour Vestel and they got to meet some very special friends too! There was Dora from Purple Mash, Jigsaw our PSHE provider and not forgetting the one and only Pudsey Bear!
Entering Competitions 24/01/24
Purple Mash challenged the Digital Leaders "Can you create a one-of-a-kind mascot that embodies the spirit of Purple Mash?" The mascot should represent learning, creativity, and fun. Also, the mascot, needs to inspire and motivate other children to explore, learn and be creative. Here are the Digital Leaders with their amazing designs!
Entering Competitions 05/12/23
The Digital Leader team have been busy designing their entries for the Purple Mash Festive Christmas Card Competition 2023.
Leading Activities 28/11/2023
Tuesday 28th of November was #Be Internet Legends Day 2023 the Digital Leaders led a variety of online safety activities around the school, many of which they had created themselves at home.
Making Posters 11/11/2023
The Digital Leaders were kept busy making promotional material for #Be Internet Legends day 2023. They used the skills from their Computing lessons on Microsoft PowerPoint to create colourful posters that were displayed around the school.
Digital Leader Trip to Langley Grammar 09/11/2023
The Castleview Digital Leader's were treated to a fantastic coding workshop. This was directed by Mrs Jenkins at Langley Grammar's Digital Schoolhouse, using Sphero, a robotic orb that can be programmed to move in all directions.
Helping Reception Children 19/10/2023
The Digital Leaders are always hard at work, helping Reception classes during their Computing lessons on Fridays. Well done Digital Leaders!
Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day! 13/10/2023
The Digital Leaders completed fact files on Ada Lovelace as part of their Purple Mash Digital Leader Challenge.
Meeting Slough Head Teachers 04/10/2023
The Digital Leaders showcased Computing at Castleview to the senior leaders and computing teachers from Ryvers, Foxborough and Beechview Schools during a networking session.
2022-2023 Highlights
Coding Workshop 29/06/2023
The Digital Leaders have been on a trip to Langley Grammar’s Digital Schoolhouse to attend coding workshop run by Computing Lead, Stacey Jenkins. They had a wonderful morning on an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ adventure with the BBC micro:bit. A great thank you to Digital Schoolhouse for allowing us to have this opportunity.
Industry Visit from Purple Mash 23/06/2023
Today, Dawn and Dora from Purple Mash came to visit Castleview to look at the impact of the 2Simple software across the school. They witnessed Reception using a variety of tools during their computing lesson and were extremely impressed with the children's mouse control and ability to navigate within the program. In addition, they delivered an industry talk to the digital leader team. They described the organisational structure within 2Simple e.g. Marketing, Development, CPD and Education teams and the roles that exist within these teams. Of course, as always, the digital leaders loved the merchandise that was given out.
Alan Mackenzie Workshop 07/06/2023
Our online safety advisor, Alan Mackenzie, spoke to Year 5 and 6 children about online disinhibition. He also delivered a workshop for parents. To advertise Alan's visit, the Digital Leaders made posters, which were displayed around school. Here are some examples:-
The day before his arrival, the digital leader team went to the gate to distribute leaflets to persuade as many parents to attend his talk.
On the day of the visit, the Digital Leaders came back to school in the evening. They presented the introduction for the Parent's Online Safety talk explaining their own online experiences.
Visit from OhBot 18/05/2023
Dan and Susie from Ohbot came to Castleview to deliver a fantastic workshop on AI technology. Raspberry Pi club attended in the morning and Digital Leaders in the afternoon. First, the children challenged Ohbot to answer questions on any topic. A discussion took place about the validity and accuracy of Ohbot’s responses. Next, they challenged Ohbot to become a historical character. Ohbot became Queen Victoria on 13th June 1842, when she took her first railway journey from Paddington Station to Slough. Ohbot was then tested on another range of questions relating to this local historical event. Unfortunately, testing proved that there is still a long way to go in perfecting this technology. Dan concluded the session with a demonstration of how AI technology works and the sources it uses. All the children had a fascinating experience and learnt a great deal!
Trip to the BETT Show 29/03/2023
Castleview's Year 6 Digital Leaders journeyed to the ExCel Centre for the BETT show, showcasing the best of tech in education. Digital Leaders coded robotic animals, played laser-guided sport, interacted with gaming projections and met with our lovely partners; Ohbot, Purple Mash, Vestel and the Internet Legends of Parent Zone. It was a very exciting visit!
Purple Mash 2Animate Challenge 24/02/2023.
Digital Leaders have been working hard to impress the Purple Mash team by creating a short animation to explain a concept in Science, a time in History or a place/feature in Geography! Good luck! The entries are looking great already! The competition closes on the 6th April 2023. Winners will be announced shortly after 11th April 2023.
Conducting Assemblies and Activities 08/02/2022
All of the Digital Leaders led an amazing assembly to launch Safer Internet Day. They had done lots of preparation in advance and were very professional in the way they conducted the assembly! Sajjan, our Year 6 Digital Leader, created an amazing Comic to share with his peers. The Year 5 Digital Leaders led some great interactive educational games in their year group. Year 4 Digital Leaders hosted a book reading of 'Chicken Clicking' to Year 2 children. The Year 3 Digital Leaders led a self-created word search activity in their year group. They all did a fantastic job!
Some of them received a Head Teacher's Award for their fabulous contributions!
Purple Mash 2Code Qatar Football World Cup Challenge 06/12/2022
To mark the Qatar 2022 World Cup and Computer Science Education Week, the Digital Leaders have been using 2Simple Software to code their own football games.!
Sphero Workshop 03/11/2022
The Digital Leaders visited Langley Grammar School’s Digital School House to attend a Sphero workshop run by Computing Lead, Stacey Jenkins. The children worked their way through a series of coding challenges with increasing complexity. Some tasks required considerable perseverance to succeed. The morning culminated with a DT challenge to build a chariot for Sphero! Everyone had a fantastic morning and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A huge thankyou to Mrs Jenkins for delivering such an amazing workshop.
Assisting Reception 07/10/2022
On Friday afternoon, our wonderful Year 5 Digital Leaders went into the computing suite to help the children login to their computers and assist them with challenges on Purple Mash. They were indeed keen, kind and of course patient!
Poetry Competition 06/10/2022
It was National Poetry Day on 6th October, and this year the theme of the competition was linked to the environment. There are several Purple Mash resources that the Digital Leaders used to write their poem. The competition opened on the 26th of September and will run until the end of October. Keep an eye on our page to see if any of our poems won in the competition!
Purple Mash 2Code Challenge 30/09/22
It was National Coding week from 19th September as well as EU Code week from 8th-23rd October, so a great opportunity during these weeks for our Digital Leaders to explore 2Code. There were different levels of activities as well as a range of games and quizzes to enhance their 2Code experience.
2020-2021 Highlights
Hosting a Staff Meeting! 29/06/2022
On Wednesday evening, our lovely Digital Leaders ran a staff Personal Development Meeting (PDM). They informed all teachers of their online habits, both at home and in school, as well as comparing their online behaviour with National Statistics for 8-11 year olds. Their performance infront of the adults displayed confidence beyond their years. A fantastic achievement!
Alan Mackenzie Workshop 08/06/2022
Our online safety advisor, Alan Mackenzie, spoke to Year 5 and 6 children about how to be responsible and respectful when online. He also delivered a workshop for parents. To advertise Alan's visit, the Digital Leaders made posters, which were displayed around school. Here are some examples:-
The day before his arrival, the digital leader team went to the gate to distribute leaflets to persuade as many parents to attend his talk.
On the day of the visit, the Digital Leaders came back to school in the evening. They presented the introduction for the Parent's Online Safety talk explaining their own online experiences.
Coding Workshop 28/04/2022
On Thursday, our tech wizards from Castleview visited our local Teach Computing Hub to experience a hands-on coding workshop. The Digital Leader team were first to visit in the morning followed by Raspberry Pi club in the afternoon. The workshops started with some unplugged activities, which were followed by a series of coding challenges to program a Crumble controller to light a sparkle, turn a motor and make a buzzer sound. The sessions culminated with an integrated DT activity where the children designed and made their own monster and attached the Crumble sparkles. Finally, they ran their code to produce flashing monster eyes! A massive thank you to Stacey Jenkins from Langley Grammar who led both workshops. All the children involved had a fantastic time.
Conducting Assemblies 08/02/2022
Digital Leaders led an amazing assembly to launch Safer Internet Day. They had done lots of preparation in advance and were very professional in the way they conducted the assembly! The Year 5 and 6 Digital Leaders also led some great interactive educational games in their year groups.